Adobe photoshop touch android tutorial
Adobe photoshop touch android tutorial

Facebook integration… again for some reason.If you thought the resolution limit part was bad… wait till I cover this part in a bit more detail! Share to the Camera Roll, publish to Facebook and Share by E-mail.Let you upload and open images from Creative Cloud, Adobe’s cloud service which plays a key part in all of their mobile apps.Across the top, from left to right the icons do the following:

adobe photoshop touch android tutorial

It does make sense though, many of these devices are RAM limited and a 2048×2048 image with multiple layers is going to bring your tablet to it’s knees quickly. I know for many this is going to be a giant deal breaker.

#Adobe photoshop touch android tutorial 1080p

Want to work on 1080p content, tough, you’re out of luck! This isn’t a big problem for me, as I usually work in power of 2 textures, so 512×5×1024 are my most common dimensions, but often I like to work at double resolution so 2048×2048 and this isn’t an option for me. Here is the first real major limitation of PS Touch.

adobe photoshop touch android tutorial

If you select the + to create a new image a small Ok/Cancel dialog pops up asking you for your image dimensions. The pair of buttons at the bottom of the screen create a new image or loading from an image already on your computer, in Adobe’s Cloud storage, taken from the camera, from a Google search or finally, off of Facebook. It makes sense eventually, but you will probably end up loading a project by accident a few dozen times before you get used to it out! You do not click or long hold the icon like you would probably expect to ( this instantly opens the file for editing ), instead you click the label below it. The absence of a menu key is a bit jarring, I mean, all Android apps have a menu key! Another thing that is a bit confusing is renaming a file. The sharing aspect we will get to a bit later. This is where you manage existing projects, organize, share and delete your files. Right off the hop when you load Photoshop touch, you will be brought to this screen:

Adobe photoshop touch android tutorial